Does The Moon Influence Birth?

You’ve certainly heard about the moon’s influence on the behavior of the seas and even on the human brain. In addition, this star influences many women to make decisions about pregnancy.
Does the moon influence childbirth?

For a long time we’ve heard different theories about how the moon influences childbirth. This natural satellite has motivated the human being to analyze its influence on our body, the environment and even birth itself.

Since ancient times, the menstrual cycle has been associated with the lunar cycle  since both last 28 days.

At that time, ovulation was related to the full moon and therefore menstruation to the day of the new moon. Thus, women who had the reverse cycle were considered witches.

Compared to other times in the moon phase, more births occur during the full moon. Is it a coincidence? Furthermore, some people also believe that births are quicker and simpler during new and crescent moons. However, so far there is no scientific basis to show that this lunar phase is actually responsible for the statistics.

Why do so many people believe that the moon influences childbirth?

From the moment Isaac Newton published his theories of gravity in 1687, we began to understand how the moon and sun exert forces that affect ocean water. Before that, the most primitive human beings already related the lunar positions and phases to the tides. And they were right.

It is known that the phases of the moon influence the oceans by the law of gravity. So, could they also affect human beings, since we are mainly composed of water? Does the moon have the power to affect the watery environment in which the baby develops in the mother’s womb?

There are many questions that researchers have tried to answer. However, there is not yet an approach solid enough to prove the full influence of the moon on human body processes.

There is no scientific evidence to confirm the extent to which the moon influences childbirth.

What experienced people say about it

Many more traditional nurses and famous midwives will certainly claim that depending on the phase of the moon in which the birth takes place, it will have some well-defined characteristics. For many of them, the moon certainly influences childbirth.

These women experienced in bringing babies into the world also hold to the belief that the moon can influence the baby’s gender definition. Even so, there is not enough evidence to verify this assumption, nor any other assumption related to lunar phases and childbirth.

Types of birth according to the moon

According to the belief, the characteristics of childbirth that can be influenced by the moon are as follows:

waning moon

During this period, there is a greater probability of rupture of amniotic sacs and fluid coloration. The amount of childbirth decreases at this stage and those that do occur tend to be more labor intensive than normal.

Babies often put themselves in a bad position, so their arrival in the world becomes more complicated.

Crescent moon

In this phase of the moon, there is a greater number of caesarean sections and induced deliveries due to the woman’s very slow dilation. Despite this, they are generally considered easy or normal births, as they often have no setbacks.

Full moon

Those who believe that the moon influences childbirth claim that during this phase is when more babies arrive in the world. In this case, there is little likelihood of cesarean delivery, as pregnancies that end on a full moon usually complete nine months of gestation.

There are those who believe that the moon influences childbirth

New Moon

Midwives ensure that births are much faster during the new moon. Under these circumstances, the mothers-to-be enter the maternity hospital with a good number of centimeters of dilation and ready for a natural birth without complications.

It is said that births at this stage are so spontaneous that sometimes the mother does not even have time to assimilate what is happening when the birth occurs.

Undoubtedly, the developments related to this subject and its connections are very interesting. However, in fact there are no verifiable statistical records regarding the lunar phases, the number of deliveries and their characteristics.

Therefore, all the information we find in this regard is nothing more than guesswork. Many people hope that scientific advances and research will soon provide true information.

The influence of the moon on childbirth will always be an issue that generates interest among women. Who knows, it may even motivate some women to consider the information available to calculate when they want to get pregnant and, consequently, choose the most convenient date for giving birth.

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