8 Reasons To Ban Smartphones For Children Under 12

Is it convenient to ban smartphones for children? Certain aspects indicate that this is perhaps the most appropriate decision for the well-being and health of children.
8 reasons to ban smartphones for children under 12

While it may seem a bit exaggerated to ban smartphones for children, there are strong arguments to prove that it is actually the most appropriate measure.

Previously, the biggest concern of parents was that their children would not spend many hours in front of the television. Nowadays the concern is with the cell phone. Many children even sleep with their cell phone in hand.

Experts say that cell phone use is very harmful to children. They also point out that more and more babies and toddlers are using tablets and smartphones. In fact, they could only start interacting with this type of technology after they were 2 years old. Never before.

Below we will explain 8 reasons to ban smartphones for children.

Reasons to ban smartphones for kids

There are great reasons why a child shouldn’t be introduced to the world of technology before they are 2 years old. While it is true that today’s children are practically born with these devices in their hands, it is very important to avoid excesses. It is essential to know how the lack of regulation of the use of tablets or smartphones can affect children.

1. Brain development

Exposure of the brain to excessive use of technology can accelerate its growth, especially in babies between 0 and 2 years of age. This would result in problems such as: attention deficit, cognitive delay, learning difficulties, increased impulsiveness and lack of self-control.

Baby using cell phone, smartphones must be banned for children

2. Excessive radiation

The World Health Organization (WHO) considers cell phones a risk to the health of children and adults because of their high radiation emission. Children are much more sensitive to these agents, increasing their risk of contracting diseases such as cancer.

3. Psychological illnesses

Studies have revealed that the excessive use of new technologies considerably increases the rate of childhood depression and anxiety, reactive attachment disorder, attention deficit disorder, bipolar disorder, psychosis and other childhood behavior problems.

In addition, there are other factors that are also directly related, such as the use of social networks, for example. Children are often vulnerable to different types of cyber bullying.

4. Aggressive behavior

Children are more vulnerable to receiving violent and aggressive content through these new technologies. This type of content can influence your behavior.

We must remember that children imitate everything they see. That’s why it’s even more dangerous to receive any kind of content without parental verification. Therefore, you need to be very attentive to what your children do.

5. Changes in sleep

It is important that parents supervise their children’s use of technology in the bedroom. Children who use cell phones and tablets at night have more difficulty sleeping. Lack of sleep considerably affects the child’s academic performance and health.

6. Attention Deficit

Excessive use of technology can also cause attention deficits in children, in addition to decreasing interaction with other children or adults. Children’s concentration and memory can also decrease due to the influence of content speed in this type of media.

7.- Childhood obesity

The overuse of technologies often involves a sedentary lifestyle. This is a real problem that is growing more and more in homes. Lack of activity makes children develop obesity, bringing other more serious consequences such as diabetes, vascular problems or heart disease.

8. Addiction in children

Some studies conclude that 1 in every 11 children aged 8 to 18 years is addicted to new technologies. This number is quite alarming and tends to increase over the years. Whenever children use tablets or smartphones, they are increasingly separated from their parents, family and friends.

boy on cell phone, it's important to ban smartphones for children

When can children and teenagers use smartphones?

The Japanese Pediatric Association has started a campaign to ban smartphones for children , suggesting that parents have more control and do more recreational activities with them.

The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Canadian Society of Pediatrics state that babies aged 0-2 years should not use any type of technology, while children aged 3-5 years should use it in a controlled manner and only for one hour a day. Finally, for children and teenagers between 6 and 18 years of age, the use should be a maximum of 2 hours per day.

It is necessary to know the effects that new technologies can have on children and adolescents. However, it will not be easy to completely avoid the use of smartphones, as this generation was practically born with these devices in their hands.

Banning smartphones for children and teenagers seems an almost impossible task. However, what is possible to do is to avoid overuse, thus decreasing the negative effects. Most importantly, technologies don’t replace quality time with parents, whether it’s playing games or reading a book.

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