7 Ways To Connect With Your Child

To connect with your child, you need time. Every time you manage to manage your time, it will be easier to dedicate yourself completely.
7 ways to connect with your child

Everyone says that not all parents know how to connect with their children because, in addition to time, they lack enthusiasm to accompany children in what they are interested in. There are also those who consider that time and enthusiasm are lessened when you want to stimulate the bonds of friendship and attachment between the parties.

Therefore, love must not be lacking if there are “ingredients” to make the father or mother that all children dream of. Mom, in this post we’ll talk about some of the many ways there are for you to connect with your child.

be your hero

We, the mothers of Am Mom, we assure you become the hero of your child makes you invincible when it comes to preferences. His admiration will be so great that often your child will want to be more by your side than in your mother’s cozy lap. Of course, you won’t get this just by wishing it to be a reality, as it happens in fiction movies. To be your child’s hero, you have to work hard every day.

be your accomplice

When we refer to being your child’s accomplice, we are referring to accompanying him in his exploits. Go watch the football games, accompany him to the camps, go eat Granny’s cake with him, hidden under the table without anyone being able to see you. Keep the secrets and never betray his trust. Being an accomplice, in your child’s eyes, will make you the most faithful companion he can find.

connect with your child

be your support

Your child, as a child, needs strong shoulders to hold him up every time he needs to cry, hands to push him forward when he wants to stop, ears to listen, and a voice to advise. If not you, who will support you? The child you have at home needs you to sit down with him to help resolve problems, clarify doubts and answer any questions that arise.

be your guide

Of course, being your child’s guide is complicated. You may always be confused because no one has taught you to show the goodness of the world without interfering with the choice of others. But now that you’re doing whatever it takes to become your child’s guide, you’re learning that “educating isn’t setting a path, it’s teaching” and you’re doing well.

With your advice, you show your child all the opportunities the universe has to offer. But it also gives him enough freedom to choose for himself.

Be a fun company

Have you ever seen your child’s happy face when you play with him? Have you ever stopped just to look at that little face? Both you and your child are extremely happy when you play together.

So don’t limit yourself and devote as much time and enthusiasm as you can to having fun. Take the opportunity to teach your games and show your childhood toys: the top, the slingshot, the hide and seek… Also ask him to teach you how to play with his, those video games that entertain him so much.

connect with your child

be your teacher

Give your child all your knowledge: teach them about home repairs or the chores you do at home. Teach him how to fix his car… Demonstrate the importance of being creative in each of the projects you do. Accompany him when he does his homework and don’t lose sight of formal education.

The family and the home are the best schools for children to learn good table manners, the correct use of words, body intelligence, among others.

Be the dad who seeks refuge in your child’s arms

Although everyone knows that adults protect children, there is no experience similar to reversing this action. Do the test. Ask your child to pet you. Sit on the floor and rest your head on his little legs.

If during your child’s growth you taught him to be affectionate, at that time you can see the result of your teaching . No doubt you will be rewarded with all the affection he has to offer. In addition, you will be able to see how good you will feel when your child is the one who shows affection.

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