7 Positions To Reduce Labor Pain

7 positions to reduce labor pain

After nine months waiting to meet our baby’s face, the long awaited day arrives. There is a mixture of feelings, nervousness, fear, uncertainty and your body starts to prepare for the big moment. The contractions start and the pain increases as the dilation increases as well. To better cope with these pains, there are some positions to reduce labor pain.

Childbirth consists of three stages: cervical dilatation, birth, and placental expulsion. The longest and most painful phase is dilation. For first-time mothers, it can last up to 20 hours and for those who have had a previous birth, it takes about 12 hours.

At the beginning of the dilation, the time between contractions is longer and therefore the pain is easier to bear. As the dilation of the cervix progresses, the time between contractions decreases until reaching the expulsion phase.

This expansion phase requires a great deal of effort and energy. To better face it, we will see below a series of positions to reduce the pain of childbirth. These positions will also help you dilate faster.

Postures to reduce labor pain and anticipate dilation

Kneeling on the bed and supporting yourself on a pillow

In order for the dilation to advance faster, it is recommended to separate the knees as much as possible and try to bring the toes together.

Support your knees and hands on the floor

When you get into this posture, try to move by rocking back and forth and if you can make circles with your hips. By doing this you will lessen the pain and accelerate the dilation.


Walking promotes the opening of the cervix and will facilitate dilation. Also, when you move you can get distracted and feel a little less pain.

Lie on your side with a pillow between your legs

With this position you ease circulation in your legs and relax your lower back. It’s best to do it on the left side as it helps the blood get to the placenta and the baby can get more oxygen.

sit on a chair

Sit back to back. This position is highly recommended when you have kidney pain as it takes the load off that area. In addition, this position reduces the baby’s pressure on the pelvis and relaxes the shoulders and neck.

walk on the wall

Lie on the floor against the wall and place a pillow under your head. Place the soles of your feet on the wall and move up and down as if you were walking on it. This activates circulation in your legs and will help you push harder at the time of delivery.

Sit on an inflatable pilates ball

With this position you avoid overloading your legs with your own weight and will be able to move without much effort. Sit with your legs open and swing your hips from side to side on the ball. This movement helps the baby move naturally towards the pelvis. If you don’t have this ball you can sit on the edge of the couch spreading your legs the same way.

In addition to postures to reduce labor pain, it  is very important that you know how to control your breathing. If you can master this, you will feel that you can control the situation and relax your body. Furthermore, having to concentrate on breathing will be distracting and you will notice less pain.

Breathing between contractions should be normal. When pain comes you should breathe deeply and expand your rib cage, filling your lungs and slowly expelling. In the final phase of contraction you should inhale and exhale deeply.

These are some of the positions that can help you reduce the pain of childbirth. Remember them and you will certainly be able to improve the suffering that will lead to the long-awaited moment, the birth of your child. Don’t forget to help with breathing because if you breathe correctly, your body will also relax and the pain will be less. Now just enjoy this wonderful occasion when you will discover one of the most beautiful feelings there is, being able to finally have the baby in your arms.

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