7 Exercises To Improve Children’s Attention

7 exercises to improve children's attention

How to improve children’s attention? Next, we’ll introduce you to some very practical exercises so that your child’s distractions are no longer an unsolvable problem.

Children get distracted, look around and it seems that absolutely anything catches their attention. In fact, this is normal. However, for their own good, you need to try to correct and help them not to lose focus. Improving children’s attention is a challenge shared by many parents.

If a child talks a lot in the classroom, is easily distracted by homework, or is inattentive when other people talk to him, then more attention needs to be paid to this behavior. If there is no intervention, the child may internalize this negative behavior and end up becoming an inattentive and careless young person.

The professional and academic future are the areas that will most depend on the ability to concentrate. The good news is that there are exercises we can implement to improve children’s attention. Although it doesn’t seem like it, even through play it is possible to improve this small inconvenience.

Exercises to improve children’s attention

1. Visual association and the memory game

Association games don’t just teach little ones to create categories of similar things. The act of relating similar figures or drawings requires a lot of concentration. If kids spend time concentrating on solving this game, they will get used to paying attention.

There are games and magazines that offer this kind of dynamic. Perhaps the most difficult activity in terms of concentration is the memory game. In this game, the child will train their perceptual field while simply playing.

improve children's attention

2. Complete the drawing or connect the dots

These two types of activities are often seen in crossword puzzles. Children love it because they are simple and playful. In addition to working on coordination, these drawings allow the child to work on the ability to concentrate.

The activity of connecting the dots is great because the child must follow a certain order to be able to form the drawing. Otherwise, she won’t be able to see the figure that will be formed at the end. Curiosity encourages a child to focus and unconsciously makes him learn to be attentive.

3. Maze

Mazes are another great alternative we often see in popular hobby magazines. This type of activity keeps the child entertained because of its ease. If she wants to win the game, she must think very carefully about the paths to be taken.

This activity has its own rules and limits and will stimulate memory, coordination and concentration.

4. Search for objects

It is possible to turn this into a joke.

You can list three or four objects that are around the house and make a list of them. Once this is done, ask the child to look only at the things on the list. If the child can find the objects in the order they appear on the list, so much the better. Over time, you can increase the difficulty by adding more elements.

Establishing routines is one of the best methods of increasing people’s concentration. Adults do this all the time unconsciously.

5. Identify the number

Numbers are perfect abstractions for playing mental association games. “Identifying the number” is a game that encourages concentration and memorization. The child must memorize a number. Then you show her several different numbers and she will have to identify the number she memorized every time she appears.

improve children's attention through play

This dynamic is also an exercise to improve the child’s attention. You can also make variations of the game with letters or shapes, according to her preference. And little by little you can increase the difficulty level with bigger numbers, whole words, or words that should be associated with pictures.

6. Games of ordering things

You can place various objects on the table in a certain order. The child must memorize the order that these objects are. Then the adult messes up the order a bit. The child then has to remember the order of the objects and try to put them in the order he had memorized.

There are several games that have this same principle. The well-known game “I went to the moon” consists of memorizing the objects and the order in which they were spoken. The first person starts by speaking an object, the next person repeats and adds one more. For example “I went to the moon and took a ball”, the next one should say “I went to the moon and took a ball and a shuttlecock”, the next person adds one more object in the list, and so on. Little by little the degree of difficulty increases, making the child have to pay attention to order.

7. Improve children’s attention: the classic puzzle

There is no game that requires more concentration than the puzzle. Fortunately, nowadays on the market there are puzzle games with different degrees of difficulty, according to the child’s age. From the age of 3 onwards, children can play with puzzles with a few large pieces and with the help of their parents.

The idea of ​​these activities is for the child to enter a state of concentration without getting bored.

As you can see, scolding or fighting with the child is neither the only nor the best option to improve their attention.

It is advisable to start working with children from an early age so that later the school dynamics will be easier.

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