6 Reasons A Baby Cries

A baby’s cry is his way of communicating his emotions, feelings, desires and needs. Knowing the reasons your child might cry will help you know how to properly comfort him in each case.
6 reasons why the baby cries

After a few weeks of living with the newborn,  parents usually suffer for something that causes them anguish: the crying of their babies. They feel anxious and restless about the reasons and causes the baby cries. Especially if the baby’s crying is lasting.

However, it is perfectly normal for children to cry. This is their way of communicating. Through crying, they express their wants and needs. They also inform about what is bothering you and anything else.

Reasons why the baby cries

Usually, the little ones in the house cry for one to three hours a day. There are many reasons why babies feel the need to communicate with their parents. We present some of them below.

1.- Feel hungry

Surely the first thing parents think when they hear the baby crying is that he is hungry. And, effectively, this is one of the main reasons the baby cries. Another way to know that a child is hungry is to  see if he or she puts her hands or anything to her mouth.

2.- Need the diaper to be changed

One of the most uncomfortable situations for a baby is having a dirty diaper.  This causes him irritation and a lot of discomfort. This problem is easy to fix and easy to detect. Even before you do your necessities, by the smell, you will already know that you need new diapers.

3.- Are you sleepy

Sleep is the cause of moodiness and irritability in babies.  They need to rest several times throughout the day. It is important to comply with rest hours and be punctual when putting them to sleep. Parents often think that getting them to sleep in their laps is the best idea. But this will depend on each child, as sometimes the baby may take longer to fall asleep in this way. Therefore, it is best to lay the baby down, whether in the crib or bassinet.

To avoid crying and sulking, it is possible to detect the need to rest from yawning.  When your baby yawns too often, he is communicating his desire to sleep.

4.- Feels cold or hot

Just like adults,  newborns can be uncomfortable with changes and variations in temperature.  While it’s convenient that they’re well covered so they feel warm and comfortable, it’s not good that it’s excessive. As an adult, it’s easy to detect the temperature in one place. That’s why it’s best to cover the baby with more clothing than we adults are wearing.

Another factor that usually bothers them is  the rubbing of an object that is too cold or too hot against their skin.  For example, if it’s time to change his diaper and clean him, it’s good to make sure the damp washcloth isn’t too cold. Also, if it’s time to eat, it’s best to make sure the milk or food isn’t too hot.

5.- Need attention

From the moment they are born, babies are the consent of the house. Often the reason a baby cries is because he simply  needs or wants to get his parents’ attention. Whether to play with him or to pick him up and take a walk.

Keeping babies entertained so they don’t cry can be tricky and tiring.  Babies also get tired of playing and it’s important to know when to stop so they don’t cry again.

6.- They don’t feel well or something hurts

A baby’s cry can be very high if he is feeling uncomfortable or uncomfortable. In their first months and years of life, they are often very vulnerable to certain illnesses, especially fever and upset stomach.

One of the main causes of stomach pain in minors is lactose intolerance. This could be because breast milk contains a lot of lactose or because the milk purchased does not have the components indicated for the child.

Of course, if the child’s crying continues and the cause is not found among those mentioned here, it is best to look for a specialist to find out .  Permanent and exaggerated crying can indicate a problem  of greater magnitude in babies.

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