6 Lessons Children Learn Thanks To The Harry Potter Saga

“We all have light and darkness within us. What matters is which side we choose to act on.” Sirius Black, character from the Harry Potter saga.
6 Lessons Children Learn Thanks to the Harry Potter Saga

Those who grew up with the Harry Potter saga know that its stories go far beyond magic. So, through the value of hard work, friendship, love and courage, Harry Potter teaches children, and those who are not so young, great learnings for life. Read on and discover these six lessons that kids learn thanks to the Harry Potter saga that we’ll show you below.

What are the most important learnings for children in the Harry Potter saga ?

1. You own your own destiny

In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone , the protagonist teaches us an important lesson as soon as he arrives at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. First-year students must pass the magical sorting hat to be assigned to one of the school’s four large houses.

So when it was time for Harry, the Sorting Hat assigned him to Slytherin. However, our protagonist rejects this selection because he is sure he wants to be part of Gryffindor.

In this way, Harry teaches us that we all have the power to make our own choices, and that we are the ones who must decide about our future.

lições que as crianças aprendem graças à saga de Harry Potter
© Heyday Films, 1492 Pictures

2. It doesn’t matter where you come from in order to achieve your dreams

Harry Potter’s best friend Hermione Granger, despite being the most brilliant student at Hogwarts, feels discriminated against due to her origins, as she is the daughter of Muggle parents, that is, non-magicians.

However, this does not represent any barrier for her, as, even so, she continued to work hard to achieve everything she set out to achieve.

3. Being brave means being able to face your fears in the Harry Potter saga

In Harry Potter , courage is one of the great virtues and, throughout the saga, we observe that many characters act courageously, not just those belonging to Gryffindor. However, there is one character who demonstrates great value above all others, and that character is Harry.

In addition to facing all kinds of situations and terrible creatures, such as the Dementors, for example, the protagonist, when the time comes, does not hesitate to face the one he fears most: Lord Voldemort.

4. The opinion of others does not define you

In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban , Sirius Black, Harry Potter’s godfather and great friend of his parents, ended up showing Harry and the others who he really was, despite the opinions and lies that had been spread about him.

However, throughout all the books, the opinion of others about Harry Potter was always very biased, making him feel hated by his enemies and indifferent by the rest of the people, who always looked at him with disdain and suspicion.

However, the main character goes on with his life, despite the difficulties that are presented around him.

lições que as crianças aprendem graças à saga de Harry Potter
© Heyday Films

5. Don’t judge a book by its cover

Through the character of the potions teacher, Severus Snape, the message is conveyed that appearances can be deceiving and, furthermore, that there is always a story and a why behind each person’s actions, so it is a mistake to judge the too much without actually knowing them.

Furthermore, Snape’s character also teaches us another valuable lesson: although knowing how to forgive and love is not always easy, it undoubtedly makes us better if we believe in it.

6. Love and friendship are the most powerful forces in the Harry Potter saga

Despite the power of magic and the great wizards we see in the Harry Potter stories , finally, the author of the books, JK Rowling, shows us that what is truly important and powerful in life are friends and love, which were the two elements that strengthened and saved the main character of this saga.

Definitely what the Harry Potter stories teach us is that the willingness to face your problems also depends on those around you, as these bonds make you stronger.

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