6 Games To Play At Home And Exercise Children’s Minds

Continuing to exercise children’s minds during the holidays is essential for better intellectual development.
6 games to play at home and exercise children's minds

Learn by playing. This should be the goal to be set during children’s vacations. While vacations should be a time to rest after a hard school year, it is very important that children’s minds continue to be exercised.

We’re not talking about doing the typical summer lessons with monotonous exercises and the like that are done year after year, but about using games as a learning tool. Next, we will introduce a series of games to play at home and exercise children’s minds. All you need is paper, crayons and a lot of imagination.

Games to play at home and exercise children’s minds

1. The memory game

One of the simplest and most classic games , but with the highest level of acceptance by children, is the memory game. In addition to the fun that this game already provides for children, everything will be even more fun if they can choose and make the pairs that will be included in the game.

To make this game, you will need:

  • Images of the chosen pairs;
  • Pieces of cardboard with the same shape and color.

exercise the mind

The cardboard will be used to glue the images into pieces of the same size, so that they can be turned over without knowing what is in each piece of cardstock. The game itself consists of placing all the cards face down and untapping each card as we find the corresponding pair.

A fantastic game for eyesight and memory, with which different variations can be made to entertain children even more.

2. Alphabet Bingo

An ideal game to play with children who learned the alphabet during the school year. Alphabet bingo is a variation of the famous number game.

You can create the bingo cards yourself using different colors for the letters: the child will go over the alphabet without even realizing it while drawing.

At playtime, the winner can be the one who completes an entire line with the letters or the one who makes the card full, when all the corresponding letters are filled.

3. Puzzles

One of the most classic games to play at home and exercise your mind is jigsaw puzzles. They can be made of paper or cardboard in a simple and quick way.

This type of game is ideal for children to exercise their logical reasoning and thinking. It is also suitable for the development of other skills, such as hand-eye coordination or fine psychomotricity.

A very original variation that can be used with this game is to make a puzzle from lego pieces. To do this, you will only need a few pieces of this type, a cardboard to draw the pieces and a pen or marker.

Once the outline of the pieces is drawn and cut out of the card, all of them will be mixed so that the child places each piece of card next to the corresponding piece of lego.

More games to play at home and exercise your mind

4. Find the differences

Painting is one of the favorite activities of little ones. For that reason, they’ll love finding the differences in a black-and-white drawing that they can paint later.

This game is ideal for children who have difficulty staying focused as it also helps to develop eyesight. Thus, there are many models of drawings on the internet, although you can also make the drawings for your child yourself.

5. Treasure Hunt, one of the funnest games to play at home and exercise your mind

A very simple game that children will love because of the adventures they will experience. This is a great game to develop their thinking, as they find the clues scattered throughout the space in which they are.

In addition, visual perception, concentration and attention will also be developed, as details will be essential in this game.

Furthermore, there are also many different possibilities, as the clues created can be mathematical operations, puzzles or any other activity that allows you to develop some other skill at the same time.

6. Puzzles

To make this game to play at home and exercise your mind, you will not need any materials. Just from your imagination. The language and melody used to recite these phrases attract the little ones, making their attention completely focused on them.

Thus, the association of ideas and the formation of concepts, as well as imagination and reasoning, are also developed.

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