5 Sentences To Express Your Love For Children

It is easy for some adults to express love in words, but not for others. So, let’s introduce some phrases with which you can show your affection to your children.
5 sentences to express your love for children

The love one feels for a child is incalculable and incomparable, there is no doubt about that. But, in addition to harboring this feeling, it is important to convey it to the little ones. Children need to grow up knowing that they are loved, valued and recognized by their parents, as this helps to build their self-esteem and strengthen the bond between parents and children. So, let’s introduce some phrases to express your love for children that you can use in your everyday life.

For some adults it is easy to express in words what they feel, but for others not so much. This is because each person uses a different love language. You may prefer to show love through physical contact or spending quality time with your children.

However, it is always gratifying and comforting for children to hear from their parents how much they love them and how valuable they are to them. So, we offer some examples with which you can express this affection to the little ones.

5 sentences to express your love for children

Mother encouraging gratitude in children.

My life has been more beautiful since you arrived

Sometimes it is difficult for children to understand that their parents already existed before they became parents, that they had their own trajectory and their own experiences.

So, children will always love to hear stories of how you sang to them when they were still in your belly, how it was the day they arrived in this world and how emotional you were when they said ‘mommy’ for the first time. Explaining how the presence of children has improved their lives will make them feel loved and valued.

I love spending time with you

There is no doubt that a mother should take care of her child, feed him, clean him or take him to school. However, it is important that the child knows that, in addition to all these obligations, you really enjoy being with him.

She should know that you like to hear her talk about her day, that you like to hear about her adventures, that you appreciate her ideas, and that you like to play with her. Knowing that the most important person in your life genuinely values ​​your company will greatly increase your child’s self-esteem.

I’m proud of you

For the little ones, the opinion of their parents is extremely important, as they are their main reference. Therefore, when they make a mistake, they may feel ashamed or guilty for not meeting adults’ expectations.

Showing your child that you’re proud of him will instill confidence and calm him down. But don’t just do this when your child has an important achievement. When she tries and fails, she will be pleased to know that you too recognize and value her effort, that your courage and perseverance also fill you with pride, regardless of the result.

Nothing brings me so much happiness than seeing the person you are becoming

As children grow, it can be difficult for them and their parents to accept the transition from childhood to adulthood. So, don’t let us say how happy you are to see your child grow up and how much you enjoy being able to accompany him at every stage of his life. Knowing that he doesn’t need to remain a child, that he can grow up free and seek his own identity without losing your affection, is an invaluable gift.

I will be by your side whenever you need me

Mother hugging her daughter and saying phrases to express love.

Sooner or later your child will grow up and you won’t be able to carry him anymore. He will start hanging out with friends and become more and more independent. However, tell him that he will always find in you a home and a refuge, that no matter how old you are or what mistakes you make: you will always be by his side when he needs it.

Phrases to express love for children must be accompanied by acts

Words are a wonderful way to convey affection as they allow you to clearly express how you feel to your children. However, make sure what you say is accompanied by actions.

These phrases for expressing love for your children can also help you understand which aspects of your relationship with your child are most important. So, as you express your feelings, you are reminded of the need to work on these aspects every day. In any case, your child will love hearing your words, and it will also help with your own emotional expression.

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