11 Medicinal Plants For Pregnant Women

Nature hides amazing secrets for you to stay healthy during pregnancy and ensure your baby’s normal development. Discover 11 medicinal plants for pregnant women.

Pregnancy is the most beautiful love story you can write in the world, because it is an unconditional and complete surrender of your heart. However, it is important that we know very well how to provide our little ones with everything they need to grow healthy and strong .

Fortunately, nature is an inexhaustible source of health and well-being for human beings, especially if we are going through a moment as important as pregnancy . The therapeutic use of medicinal plants and their derivatives is known as herbal medicine, which can become the main ally of pregnant women.

Some plants help you stay strong for your puppy and alleviate illness.

Although this science has existed for a very long time, today it is known in greater depth. So is the list of options for future moms is great value, especially because it needs to recover from the loss of iron, calcium, constipation  and avoid the weak placentas .

Undoubtedly, most of the resources that can be obtained from these natural samples can be found in tablets made by laboratories. However,  no one doubts the power of home remedies, not even science itself . So, if you dare to try one of these alternatives, consult a trusted doctor and enjoy the blessings of the natural world.

Medicinal Plants for New Moms

Medicinal plants are perfect to alleviate some of the discomforts of pregnancy and to prevent certain problems that cause difficulties . Of course, you should not take them without first asking your doctor, and it is not recommended to exceed the recommended dose, as their effects can be negative.

And as at this moment what we don’t want is any conflict scenario, let’s see what plants we can eat during pregnancy:

sack :

It is a mild diuretic that limits fluid retention, which is typical of pregnancy. Thus, even when used as an ointment or ointment, it helps to prevent bruises and sprains. Care must be taken not to ingest the bark as it works as a strong purgative.

linden :

It can be prepared as a delicious infusion, which serves to calm the nerves and prevent thromboembolism (a clot that remains in the vascular system and travels to the bloodstream). If you suffer from migraine it is recommended to make tea with the rind.

Ginger :

Boil some of this root to reduce nausea, improve digestive processes and abdominal pain. Do not exceed 1 gram daily.

Aloe :

The gel of this powerful plant, when applied to the skin, relieves dermatitis, heals quickly, soothes burns, etc… Neither children nor pregnant women should ingest it, as it works as a diuretic and causes contractions.


This beautiful flower is perfect for strengthening the immune system and decreasing the chances of suffering from phlegm. Children under 12 years old cannot drink this tea as it causes vomiting.


An ointment made with this plant relieves varicose veins when they are just starting. Never drink the infusion as it affects the uterus.

Chamomile :

For tummy aches and cramps.

Raspberry leaf :

It tones the muscle mass of the uterus, favoring labor. It has vitamin E, calcium and iron.

nettle :

It prevents bleeding, allows for good iron absorption and increases breast milk production.

Canine or wild rose :

This shrub, which contains large doses of vitamin C, strengthens the placenta and reduces labor problems.

Root  of the yellow dock :

Known as cow’s tongue, it’s perfect for fighting constipation. You should take three teaspoons a day, and little by little you can add an additional portion until it takes effect.

Dangerous Plants for Pregnant Women

Drinking or using these natural resources can be as beneficial as it is delicate. Some plants such as mugwort, which is very good for colic, can cause abnormalities in the fetus .

Valerian root interferes with the use of antidepressant medications. Also, too much chamomile will keep you awake, while arnica stimulates menstruation .

Never ingest any plant without consulting your doctor

Comfrey is a dangerous plant for children, as it reaches breast milk and intoxicates it . This is also true for gingo biloba and star anise.

Ask your doctor before trying these options that Mother Earth offers us, follow their recommendations and ensure a good growth for your puppy.

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