10 Home Tricks To Lower The Fever

10 homemade tricks to lower the fever

Mom, if your baby is hot, something needs to be done to bring the fever down. It’s true that fever is the body’s natural response, a defense mechanism that it basically uses to limit the spread of pathogens. However, a high fever can be very dangerous, especially for children.

Before dealing properly with the subject, we want to make it clear that fever, depending on its origin, can be transient or a reflection of something more serious. Therefore, whenever your child’s temperature exceeds 38 degrees, or even just before reaching that number, and you think the little one is too hot, take him to a doctor so that he can tell you what remedies to use. .

It is the pediatrician who will tell you the causes of the fever and prescribe the medication you should give your child, indicating the correct frequency.

Never reject the doctor’s opinion or the medication he recommends. Don’t restrict yourself to just home remedies just because: “in the past it was done like that and my mother only cured me with it”.

The tricks that we are going to present and any others that you can find on the internet only complement the action of the remedies or can be used in certain situations as alternatives. But we emphasize that the medicines indicated by the doctor must never be replaced.

However, so that you know the most effective tricks to lower the fever when putting those “alternatives” we talked about into practice, we present some of them.

Tricks to lower your baby’s fever

how to lower the fever

trick 1

If there is fever, do not cover it. If you notice that your child’s temperature is high, even if he asks for it, don’t let him cover himself. Also, don’t overdress him as this will keep the fever from going down.

trick 2

Bathe in warm water, letting plenty of water run down your forehead. Let him play in the tub for a while to cool off. You will see how this will immediately lower the temperature.

trick 3

Make water compresses from time to time. Do not use ice water. Apply the compress on the forehead and nape for a few seconds and replace it with other ones continuously.

trick 4

Increase the amount of liquids. Mainly water and natural juices of melon, orange, tangerine and pineapple. Avoid offering milk if your child has a cough in addition to a fever.

trick 5

lower the baby's fever

Add camphor to the water and soak the compress cloth. Replace them from time to time to refresh your child.

trick 6

Put your child to exercise. We’re not referring to the gym: sit-ups, crunches, or anything like that. When your child has a fever you can pick up a ball and play with it, running around or playing music and dancing or jumping to her rhythm.

You will see how physical activity will make your little one sweat and consequently lower the fever.

trick 7

Take an aloe leaf and peel it to remove the sticky white part. Put it on your child’s forehead and leave it there for a while. After a few minutes, remove it and scrape the outside, already dry, so that it becomes moist again and ready to refresh your little one’s forehead.

trick 8

Mix five parts of water with one of apple cider vinegar and swab your child’s forehead and neck with a swab. Cool the cloths as they heat up.

trick 9

Cut an onion into slices and place them on the soles of your child’s feet, inside the socks. Replace them with fresher ones after half an hour.

If your child doesn’t like the smell of onions, you can use potatoes. They are also effective.

trick 10

Offer your child an infusion of thyme and chamomile. Bring water to a boil and add these medicinal plants, either in powder or twig form.

Let the mixture boil for a few seconds. Then remove from heat, allow it to cool a little and when offering it to your child (half a cup), add a spoonful of honey and 10 drops of lemon.

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